Cell Memory Activation
The nine sessions of Cell Memory Activation are designed to activate and unlock the limiting beliefs that you acquired during your conception and pregnancy, your birth, and your first years of life.
This personalized process connects you with the Energy of Life that resides in you, influencing each situation that you live from now on.
Main benefits of Cell Memory Activation:
- You unlock the emotional impact of past events that are conditioning your situations today.
- You break with repetitive and unpleasant cycles in your relationships and life situations.
- You find the key to resolving conflicts.
- You acquire the clarity to make decisions.
- You reach maturity to release resentment, guilt, and pain from the past.
- You understand the purpose of situations to see good in them. You break up the beliefs that unconsciously prevent you from creating the life you want.
- You release the energy burden of contained and repressed emotions.
- You are able to relief the excess of cumulative stress in the central nervous system.
- You learn to observe thoughts and emotions, and to practice this technique in the situations of your life.
- You discover your infinite inner resource within to experience fullness.
- You develop trust in yourself and prepare to take on new personal challenges.
- You get clear about what you want from life.
- You reconnect with the strength to reinvent your life and the clarity to direct the path.
Available in:
- Miami, Florida.
You can start your 9 Cell Memory Activation Sessions right now, call us:
Request your registration by entering your information below:
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The Cell Memory
Activation Sessions
are for you if:
- You want to reinvent yourself and dilute emotional blockages.
- You keep having repetitive circumstances that you don’t know how to stop.
- You want a new way of living your relationships.
- You want to experience your inner power and embrace life with confidence.
Karelma Flores
UOC Stude
Are you ready to experience the
strength in you?
Has it happened to you that you identify an emotional pain, a conflict in your relationships or a type of fear, but even finding its origin, it keeps repeating itself?
The 9 Cell Memory Activation Sessions are the opportunity to start creating a new way of relating to situations, to the most important people for you and with to the axis of your life, which is yourself.
Start your Cell Memory Activation Sessions.
Awake your greatness
through our method:
Human Technology for Life®
The Cell
- Its main goal is to connect you with your natural source of strength and fullness, removing beliefs that prevent you from experiencing your essence.
- Neurobiological processes will be activated that drive you to effortlessly change the results you are having in your relationships and your life.
- You remove emotional traumas and find solutions to transcend them gently and effectively.
- Previous experiences in other methodologies are not required. This is not related to hypnosis, regressions, or other practices where you delegate your state of consciousness to a third party.
The Masters, as many know them, are a source of inspiration for thousands of people. Every day they teach us how to live and to unconditionally love ourselves.
A new way
of perceiving life after
Cell Memory Activation
It is about being aware of the beliefs that limit your freedom: you activate them, break them, and make new decisions as you connect your inner wisdom. It is about building a new relationship with you, your origins, and life.
- The individual support during the nine sessions, guides you to experience the strength in you, using it for breaking the limiting beliefs and making new decisions.
- Your cellular memory is printed by the results that you experience in the day to day situations: an emotional relationship, at work, during a trip, in a project or business.
- You connect with your inner wisdom unlocking and eliminating the beliefs that prevent you from manifesting the best version of yourself to choose the life you want to live.
The 9 Cell Memory Activation Sessions gently lead you to realize how the impacts of the past are being reflected in your present and how to break the repetitive circles that they are generating.
The truth is that you do activate cell memory.
I used to believe that any decision I made would bring the same results, but now I understand what past situations led me to make the same mistakes. Today I live the same situations, but it is easier when you can see the origin of the problem.
Activating cellular memory is something we should all do to stop walking blindly.
Paola Holguín
9 Private Sessions
Each session addresses the experiences and emotional impacts generated in each month of your pregnancy (when your mother was pregnant with you).
It doesn’t matter if you were born in the seventh or eighth month, you finish the nine sessions.
Part 1: Sessions 1 to 3
How conception is determining my actual decisions.
You will find and remove the beliefs that activate every time you are undertaking a moment of life: a relationship, a job or project, moving from your city or a trip, etc.
* Each process is individual and may have a different outcome in the order of the sessions.
Part 2: Sessions 4 to 6
How the relationship with my masculine and feminine aspects affects my relationships.
You will unlock and get to the root that determines the results in your interaction with your bosses, colleagues, and important people for you.
*Each process is individual and may have a different outcome in the order of the sessions.
Part 3: Sessions 7 to 9
How do you engage in life?
You get the assistance to reinvent the way you undertake life situations, replacing low vibration emotions such as fear, for appreciation, gratitude, and love.
* Each process is individual and may have a different outcome in the order of the sessions.
The course takes nine weeks. 2-hour session per week.
It is a reunion experience with your Truth.
The Cell Memory Activation sessions are energizing, inspiring, confronting, and profound. The accompaniment you receive allows you to go deeper than you have ever imagined:
- Access to be in private with one of the Master Directors of the University of Consciousness, developing a level of intimacy that you have not lived.
- The privilege of sharing his wisdom. Each session reveals new experiences of self-discovery, and your Instructor will help you to get the most out of it.
- Accompaniment 24/7 during the 9 weeks. Receiving constant support about the situations you are living and the awareness you are expanding.
The way you perceive yourself and your life will be different forever, being able to choose how you want to live in every moment.
We are here to accompany you to achieve it.
Airam de Araujo
Civil Engineering
I want to enroll in the sessions
of Cellular Memory Activation.
Description of the Cellular Memory Activation Sessions
- Number of sessions: 9
- Duration per session: 2 hours
- Frequency: 1 session per week
- Total program: 2 months and 1 week (9 weeks)
- Modality: private – face-to-face
- Spanish Language
- Previous experiences required: None
- Being over 18 years.
- Have the disposition to create a new life.
Available schedules:
- Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
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The stubbornness of my opinions in relationships was what brought me here, I was anxious and stressed. Now I have a sharper tool inside me that brings me closer to myself. I would like others to live this experience because it’s like having a compass in life
Anselmo Duque
International merchant.
Frequently Asked Questions
The sessions were not created for people who feel there’s something wrong with them. The goal is to know the infinite power that resides in you and learn to use it to enrich your life experience unlimitedly.
The Cellular Memory Activation Sessions give you the tools to access the infinite source of fullness, freedom, and peace that you are. As you grow inside, you will discover more about the truth of who you are.
Yes, it is one of the ideal ways to attend.
The program Cellular Memory Activation Sessions, is completely made out of practice and experience, rather than concepts to collect. The more open and the less prevented you come, you will make more out of your program.
No, this program is an individual in-person program.
The benefits of Cell Memory Activation Sessions will be reflected in the relationships with your partner and loved ones, but this is a very personal phase in which you need to work on yourself.
We do offer other options such as the Sphere of Being or the Private Sessions, where you can share with other people.
Our accompaniment will always aim at connecting you with your natural source of wisdom so that you make the decisions that benefit you the most. The Cell Memory Activation Sessions allow you to have the personalized accompaniment of one of our directors, which is a great privilege for the experience you seek.
You must finish all the nine sessions of the Cell Memory Activation program.
However, it is essential that you also course the Sphere of Being workshop, which you will understand better during your sessions. This way, we can guarantee the scope of our method in your life transformation.
You can do the Cell Memory Activation Sessions without having coursed any other phase of the University of Consciousness.
The Cell Memory Activation Sessions are a 100% in-person program.
If you are not in Miami, you can schedule yourself to come during 21 days to Miami and have this life changing experience.
If you need personal support and you are in another city, you can get it through the Private Session.
If you are reading this, it is because you maintain a desire to achieve what you want.
Do not give up, from now on you can count on a specialized team willing to work with you hand in hand until you achieve your dream.
- Cash
- Credit card
- Bank transfer or deposit.
- When entering your information, we will contact you to use the means of payment of your preference.
The Online Private Session is ideal when you are going through a situation where you need emotional support, answer questions, or make decisions. Its duration is 60 minutes.
Click here to find all the information.
Request your registration
to the Cell Memory
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